Motel Madness: The Rise And Fall Of The MidCentury Motor Court $35 Walking Tour- Friday
04/26/2024 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM PT
- $35.00
American automobile tourism made its mark on Las Vegas in the early 1930s with the construction of Boulder Dam, as well as legalized gambling and relaxed divorce laws, which attracted tourists looking for opportunities—and places to park their cars to enjoy “steamed heat” or “refrigerated” roadside lodging. From the 1930s to the mid-1960s, the motel evolved with the tastes of the traveler in mind—and architecture to match the era. Come walk with us down Fremont Street and explore the history and architecture of the “motor courts” turned “motels” that accommodated travelers on the first paved road in the City of Las Vegas—and bring preservation awareness to these threatened icons of our city’s tourism history.